Health Insurance

All graduate students, including Graduate Assistants, are eligible to enroll in the Graduate Assistant Health Insurance program. Payment for enrollment in the program is the responsibility of the student or is considered an additional benefit to be paid by the department.

More information on the specifics of coverage and insurance plan may be found on the Aetna Student Health page.

Insurance Rates for 2024-2025


GA Student Yearly: $5,215.00
Spouse Yearly: $5,179.00
Child Yearly: $5,342.00

Spring/Summer 2025

Student: $2,879.00
Spouse: $2,866.00
Child: $2,956.00

Summer 2025
Student:  $1,314.00
Spouse: $1,305.00
Child:  $1,346.00

Fall 2024
Student:  $2,336.00
Spouse: $2,313.00
Child:  $2,386.00
Process to Enroll in Health Insurance

The following is a step-by-step instructional overview for enrolling a Graduate Assistant for Health Insurance. This process is started by the Appointing Department, however the Graduate Assistant must accept and agree to using some of the offered benefit from the Appointing Department. Here are the steps:

  1. Appointing Departments start the health insurance process by submitting a GA Health Insurance Enrollment Form.
    • Graduate Assistants do NOT start this process.
  2. Departments must start the Health Insurance Enrollment request by entering the assistant’s personal and the benefit information being offered.
  3. The Graduate Assistant must then agree to some, all, or to decline the offered benefit by signing the electronic form that is sent to their Campus Email.
  4. The Appointing Department then approves and accepts the form, which is transferred to University Health Services for processing and billing.

Graduate Assistants may direct questions to Retriever Integrated Health.

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