Progressions & Graduation Forms

The following forms are used to process graduation and degree clearance for end-of-career students. Completing the requirements by the set deadlines for graduation is necessary in order to clear your degree. Please review each section’s required forms and respective deadlines as they relate to your academic degree type.

Please note that we are transitioning our form processes to an electronic form model, using the DocuSign platform. Over time, all our forms will transition to the DocuSign service.

Doctoral Degree

  • Application for Admission to Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy [DocuSign]
    • PDF – for Reference Only
  • 5 Year Rule Extension Request [DocuSign]
    • PDF – for Reference Only
  • Nomination of Members for the Final Doctoral Dissertation Examination Committee [DocuSign]
    • Due 6 months prior to defense
  • Online Application for Diploma [Info | Apply]
  • 4 Year Rule Extension Request [DocuSign]
    • PDF – for Reference Only
  • Certification of Readiness to Defend the Doctoral Dissertation [DocuSign]
    • Due 2 weeks prior to defense
  • PhD Defense Announcement [DOC | PDF]
    • Due 2 weeks prior to defense
  • Approval Sheet [DocuSign]
    • The Approval Sheet should only be completed once a student has passed their dissertation defense and the Committee has approved the final draft.
  • Ph.D. Exit Survey [ Info ]

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Master’s Degree

  • Nomination of Members for the Final Master’s Thesis Examination Committee [DocuSign]
    • Due 2 months prior to defense
  • Online Application for Diploma [Info | Apply]
  • 5 Year Rule Extension Request [DocuSign]
  • Certification of Readiness to Defend the Master’s Thesis [DocuSign]
    • Due 2 weeks prior to defense
  • Approval Sheet [DocuSign]
  • Certification of Completion of Master’s Degree Requirements [DOC | PDF]
    • Due last day of term

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Post-Baccalaureate Certificate

  • Online Application for Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Diploma [Info | Apply]

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Other Forms

  • Certification of Completion of the Clinical Internship (For Human Services Psychology Students Only) [DocuSign | PDF]
  • Permission to Participate in the Commencement Ceremony Before Completing the Clinical Internship (For Human Services Psychology Students Only) Request [DocuSign | PDF]
    • Due March 1
  • Duplicate Diploma Application – For previous students seeking another printed diploma. Print-form Only. [PDF]

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