PhD Exit Survey

Are you leaving the university?  Are you graduating?

To understand why students might consider leaving UMBC, UMBC partnered with the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) to participate in a project designed to address issues of doctoral attrition and completion in the Sciences, Engineering, and Mathematics, Humanities and Social Science disciplines. The goal of the Ph.D. Completion Project is to reduce rates of Ph.D. attrition, and increase completion rates of graduate students.

All graduating doctoral students along with doctoral students who are withdrawing from their program are being asked to fill out the Ph.D. Exit Survey.

Your perspective on the complex issues of graduate education would greatly assist us in our efforts to help you complete your degree. The questionnaire covers topics such as experiences involving funding, advising/mentoring, research and publishing opportunities, and office space.

As a part of our assessment, I am asking that you complete the Ph.D. Exit Survey. Participation in this is completely voluntary. While we do request that you use your UMBC login as a password to prevent duplicate surveys, please be assured that your individual responses will NOT be identified with you personally. Your opinions are very important in ensuring that the results are representative of the graduate students on this campus.

Completion of the survey will fulfill the written consent requirement for participating in the study. The results of the Ph.D. Exit Survey will document the extent and nature of the issues that our graduate students encounter at UMBC. The Graduate School will generate constructive conversations within colleges and departments at UMBC to address those areas revealed by the survey that need improvement.

Please fill out the survey as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please feel free to contact Senior Associate Dean Janet Rutledge at UMBC at 410- 455-1781 or via email at

Please complete the PhD Exit survey

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