Student Rights & Responsibilities

The following policies pertain to a student’s rights and responsibilities. All policies refer to our online graduate catalog which goes into detail about what each policy means and how it pertains to you as a graduate student.

Academic Integrity
The required Academic Integrity Tutorial sets the expectations the university has regarding your rights and responsibilities to uphold academic integrity.
Responsible Conduct of Research Policy & Training
For both Master’s and Ph.D. students, there are important training modules to complete to prepare you to conduct professional and ethical research.
Student Academic Misconduct
Primarily regarding course work, University of Maryland Graduate School, Baltimore (UMGSB) has provided the basic policy and procedures for dealing with various forms of academic misconduct.
Handling Allegations of Arbitrary & Capricious Grading
These guidelines are designed to help graduate students request a review of allegedly unfair or arbitrary grades.
Graduate Student Mediation
These guidelines will assist in forming a mediation committee to settle disputes between students and faculty/administration of the graduate program.
Appeal of Academic Dismissal
Academic dismissal from a graduate program can happen due to poor performance or progress. Here is a procedural guide for students to follow so they can begin the appeal process.

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